In a proclamation to the media, JIH President Sadaatullah Hussaini said: “Jamaat-e-Islami Rear is profoundly worried over the strikes directed by the NIA and ED on the Famous Front of India (PFI) workplaces and their chiefs. Organizations like NIA can examine individuals against whom they have obvious proof, however such activities ought to seem fair-minded and liberated from political inspiration.”

Inquiring as to whether the NIA and ED had adhered to guideline working method in the strikes, he said that the manner in which the NIA and the ED have made concurrent attacks the nation over, focusing on PFI, brings up many issues for our general public to reply.

“The activity becomes dubious, especially against the background of a few activities by Focal government organizations against resistance gatherings and pioneers over the most recent couple of years through different state offices like NIA, ED, CBI, and the police. This damages our popularity based ethos and imperils the freedoms of residents to condemn and assess people with great influence.

“The activity becomes sketchy additionally on the grounds that the move isn’t being made against a few gatherings straightforwardly enjoying disdain mongering and viciousness. Subsequently, these attacks bring up awkward issues for society,” he said.

Hussaini inquired as to whether the strikes intended to “mollify a specific electorate”, and “on the off chance that that is the situation, is it’s anything but a sort of mollification and vote-bank legislative issues?”

Jamaat-e-Islami Rear regrets generally such attacks and activities in which individuals are dependent upon provocation in a low way, regardless of whether they have a place with the resistance, the minorities, or any friendly class of society, he added.

“In the event that the state organizations are making a coercive move against them in a one-sided way without confirmation and support, then it isn’t smart for a lively and just society. Jamaat-e-Islami Rear never underwrites disdain and brutality and censures it unequivocally.”