Cleo Smith has been absent for over 3 days now, and her folks are currently frantic to see their girl.

Cleo woke up in the center of the night on Saturday at 1:30 am requesting her folks for a taste from water.

Furthermore, following 4 and half hours, Cleo was no place to been seen at 6:30 toward the beginning of the day.

Jake Gliddon is the Stepfather of the lost kid Cleo Smith.

Jake isn’t the natural dad of Cleo which many individuals figured he may be.

Cleo’s organic dad’s name is Daniel Staines who has as of late expressed to the police enthusiastically.

The officials have recommended that Daniel steers clear of Cleo’s case.

Jake then again wedded Cleo’s mom Ellie Smith quite a while in the past.

The date isn’t yet been uncovered, and not a lot is thought about Jake’s own life.

Jake is an angler who continues posting about his fishing encounters via web-based media.

Jake appeared to be an ordinary man who went setting up camp with his significant other and youngsters, however things turned out poorly.

Jake Gliddon’s age is relied upon to associate with 30-40 years of age.

Jake supposedly is a youngster who is into his initial adulthood and was carrying on with an extraordinary existence with his significant other and kids.

His definite qualification about his date of birth and stature isn’t yet been uncovered.

No, at this point, Jake’s Instagram has not yet been uncovered.

It appears to be that Jake has brought down the entirety of his web-based media as nothing is found with regards to Jake on friendly stages.

Be that as it may, Ellie then again has been presenting for help on track down her 4-year-old girl Cloe.

She has posted a few bits of knowledge and has likewise inquired as to whether anyone could assist with discovering Cloe.

As per current reports, the chase after a four-year-old young lady who disappeared from her family’s tent while setting up camp in Australia entered its third day on Monday.

The family said she disappeared at 6 a.m. furthermore, that they called the police.

Cleo Smith was most recently seen with her family at Blowholes Campground in Macleod, close to Carnarvon, exactly 900 kilometers north of Perth, at 1.30 a.m. on Saturday.

Cleo is around 110 centimeters tall with nectar blonde hued hair and hazel eyes.

After the 3 days, the guardians have ended the quietness and have met the media uncovered on The West.

They have depicted the overwhelming episode in the meeting and any remaining subtleties.

– interaction??🤷🏻‍♀️#BringCleoHome

— NoWonderland True Crime (@NoWonderland__) October 18, 2021

The chase after Cleo is currently on its fourth day after she was most recently seen around 1.30 am on Saturday inside her tent at the Blowholes campsite in Macleod, nearly 70 kilometers north of Carnarvon.

They depicted the past a few days as “awful.”

Any remaining insights regarding Cleo will be refreshed on Heightzone soon.